
Cranberry Scones

0 Comments 22 August 2014

Cranberry Scone

Each morning this week, I have been grateful for cranberry scones.

We encountered an unpredictable home emergency upon returning from our family’s summer trip in the earliest hours of Sunday morning. Although startling and difficult to manage with three young children, we prayed.

We prayed for grace. To perceive the damage as opportunity. Work as awareness.

We prayed in thanksgiving. Blessed that everything truly important remained unharmed.

After a few hours of rest in the home of our parents, we texted our neighbor to ask permission to use water from her outdoor spigot while our water remained off during the days of major repairs. Instead of replying to our message, she arrived at our front door in haste within minutes to see if we were okay.

First she astonishingly expressed regret that she could not have prevented the problem. Then she offered two open rooms in her home to accommodate our family. Fortunately, we were already receiving remarkable service from insurance agents and several crews of contractors who will ultimately help resolve the issues with our patience.

As she left to begin her own busy day, she placed her palms together and slightly bowed to us, saying, “I’m so sorry. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.”

Within minutes of saying goodbye, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, our neighbor handed me two Ziplock baggies and said, “I made cranberry scones this morning. I thought maybe you might at least need something for breakfast in the mornings at the hotel.”

Her offering was humble and sincere, all she could give, as soon as she could help. She did not hesitate. She did not fret.

There was no need to present her love in a pretty box or tie it with specialty baker’s thread.

Each morning this week, I have been grateful for nourishment of both body and spirit thanks to the loving kindness of our wonderful neighbor and friend.

Each morning this week, I have been grateful for cranberry scones.

All that truly matters in our world is that we give all the love we are called to give as soon as we are able with the faith it may be enough.

And when we receive, we must be grateful and turn good into good.

This world needs as much peace, love, and hope as possible; may these gifts be freely given, in the smallest ways, at all times, and to all people.

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